Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Truth is not always obvious

There are few movies that make u think about the way world exists. The reality is shown absolutely real in these movies. They tend to change the way we look at things. Each Micheal Moore movie changes the way I perceive this world. I was one of those guys who thought America was the best country in the world till i came across Mr.Double M.

I hate to write reviews about books and movies. But I cannot help falling in the trap of writing this one. I want to describe about sicko and bowling for columbine in few lines. These two movies are based on two motifs which are entwined. Sick people cannot be happy. Unhappy people fight with each other. People who like to fight buy guns to kill. These lines define the central theme of these two movies. If u come across people who tell you that America is the greatest country in the world( And look down upon India and rest of the third world ). Please show them these two movies. They will Shut up......

Note; ( I feel like I am committing a heinous crime by not telling the viewer about the beauty and philosophy of sicko and blowing for columbine. I want the viewer to have the first hand experience. )

1 comment:

Toon Indian said...

hey nice blog....will be visiting